Yellow fever.
Understanding yellow fever
Yellow fever, sometimes called vomit black (vomito black) or American plague, is a viral disease caused by yellow fever virus is transmitted to humans through the bite of a blood-drinking mosquito of the Aedes family (Aedes aegypti, Aedes africanus, Aedes sympsoni, Aedes furcifer, etc.). The disease occurs in small tropical outbreaks and is an arbovirus extremely serious great apes from the equatorial forest. It's a viral haemorrhagic disease that kills and the term “yellow” refers to jaundice or jaundice presented by some patients. Aedes mosquitoes grow in small patches of water or in tree cavities. Yellow fever is incurable but there is hope with plants African women. Vaccination is the only provision that exists with modern medicine. the vaccine is safe, highly effective and confers a long protection (between 10 and 30 years). Vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory for travelers but whether you want to travel from one country to another or not, it is better to get vaccinated.
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As seen above, the main vector is a blood-drinking mosquito, from the Aedes family. It transmits the virus from one host to another, mainly in monkeys, then from monkey to human, and then from person to person.
There are several types of yellow fever
—Selvatic yellow fever or forest yellow fever.
In the rainforest, The virus circulates between wild vertebrate host and vector. Yellow fever affects monkeys infected with wild mosquitoes. The infected monkeys then transmit the virus to the other mosquitoes that bite them. The latter bite the men who enter the forest (hunters, forestry agents, workers in forest construction, etc.) which in turn bring the disease into their environment causing sporadic cases of yellow fever often with death.
—Urban epidermal yellow fever
The virus is introduced in urban areas either by monkeys from a stool outbreak or by incubating humans. Humans are then the only vertebrate host to participate in the virus’s circulation. And with globalization, microbes travel with us a lot, from one country to another and from one continent to another. The vector here is the domestic form of Aedes aegypti that is responsible for the majority of deadly yellow fever epidemics.
—Intermediate yellow fever or rural yellow fever.
This is the transmission from monkeys to humans by the mosquito vector Aedes furcifer or aegypti.
The diagnosis is not easy because of possible confusion between the signs of influenza, hepatitis, chronic malaria and yellow fever and it is better to consult a doctor when the first signs appear which are: fever, muscle pain, back pain, headache, chills, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, etc.
—Products: Bark and roots of balanitis; Bark of Cailcedrat; Bark of Lannea acida; Root nauclea lancifolia and roots of cassia sieberiana.
Make a decoction of everything and drink half a glass, 3 times a day for three weeks.
—Drink a decoction of Cochlospermum tinctorium roots.
— Drink an infusion of the whole plant of giganteus cymbopogon.
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