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Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants


Treatment of Varicocele by Plants. With medicinal plants you can be 100% sure that you will be cured of Varicocele without the need for surgery. Herbal teas 58, 74, 75 and 76 are a good healing solution. In the treatment we offer you have all these herbal teas and your healing is certain. To heal varicocele without any sequel of varicocele, I strongly advise you to opt for our herbal teas which are the best remedies to end varicocele and regain its full fertility power.

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Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants. Varicocele is characterised by the dilation of a vein (varicose vein) at the level of the spermatic cord, a fibrous cord located in the bursa above each testicle, and connecting each one to the scrotum. It generally affects only one side, mostly on the left because of the anatomy of the venous network of the male genital organs. On the left side, blood from the testicle is drained to the renal vein, while on the right side it is drained to the vena cava, where the pressure is lower than in the renal vein.

Cautionary note

Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants. There is no need to have varicocele surgery as the probability of a complete cure with surgery is low. Many people have undergone surgery before resorting to our herbal teas, which remain the best therapy for varicocele. Herbal treatments are an unequalled remedy for varicocele.


The exact pathophysiology of varicocele is unknown, except for a malfunction of the unidirectional valves that allow blood to flow from the testicles to the heart. In the case of varicocele, for reasons as yet unknown, one of the valves does not function properly. Venous blood flows back, accumulates and causes dilation of the veins in the spermatic cord.


Treatment of Varicocele by Plants. With 15% of the adult male population affected, varicocele is a relatively common pathology that can occur at any age.

Possible complications

Treatment of Varicocele with Plants is a good option. Varicocele has no effect on erectile function and sexuality, and in some men it does not cause any discomfort or complications, but it can cause pain after sex and can be responsible for infertility in men.

In fact, when it is large, it can cause a feeling of heaviness, or even pain that may increase over time. It can also affect the development and functioning of the testicle with testicular atrophy and, presumably, fertility problems. Figures suggest that varicocele has an impact on fertility: 45% of men with primary infertility have varicocele, 80% with secondary infertility, compared with only 25% in the general population (2). The link between varicocele and infertility remains complex. However, several hypotheses have been put forward: varicose veins could cause, through blood stagnation, a warming of the testicle which is harmful to spermatogenesis. The poor venous return could also lead to stagnation of toxic substances, such as those from tobacco, in the bloodstream, with an impact on spermatogenesis. The reflux of adrenal and renal metabolites could also impair sperm production. Some men remain fertile with the presence of varicocele.


Treatment of Varicocele by the Plant quickly alleviates the pain. Varicocele is usually asymptomatic and does not cause any discomfort. Sometimes varicocele is manifested by an increase in the size of the testicle, a feeling of heaviness in the bursa, or even pain when standing for long periods, during physical exertion or in hot weather. In some men it can lead to scrotal pain, tightness, heaviness of the bursa and occasional or even constant discomfort due to an increase in the size of the affected testicle. There is sometimes mild pain on exertion, discomfort during sexual intercourse and above all a problem of primary or secondary male sterility due to the destruction of sperm. A varicocele in both testicles can cause azoospermia.

Frequency and person at risk.

Common and benign most of the time, varicocele can affect men of any age. It is a rare condition in children under the age of 15, but becomes increasingly common from the age of 19, and is more common in men with fertility problems. Poorly treated varicocele will later be responsible for male infertility problems which are unfortunately very common nowadays due to prostitution and poorly treated infections. According to WHO statistics, about 40% of men consulting for infertility or hypofertility problems are affected by varicocele.

Consequences of varicocele

Varicocele is a unilateral or bilateral varicose dilatation of the veins (varicose veins) of the spermatic cord located in the bursae, above and around each testicle. Often, this dilation is the result of a malfunction of the valves located in the veins. This means that the blood can no longer flow properly (to the heart) up the veins to the larger veins.  This means the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. This causes part of the blood to escape and stagnate in the veins, causing them to swell, which is a dangerous hindrance to the migration of sperm. This is one of the causes of male infertility, especially when the varicocele is bilateral.


The diagnosis is clinical: by palpation and visual examination, the urologist looks for varicose dilatations above the testicles. In case of doubt, an ultrasound scan is carried out to confirm the presence of the varicocele and rule out any other pathology (inguinal hernia, spermatic cord cyst, liquid effusion in the bursa, testicular tumour...). The images will show abnormally large veins and blood stagnation.

In a couple experiencing difficulties in having a baby, during the male infertility check-up, the doctor systematically performs a clinical examination to detect a possible varicocele.

Treatment and prevention

If the varicocele is poorly developed and does not cause any discomfort, therapeutic abstention is recommended.

In the case of fertility disorders, since the links between varicoceles and hypofertility have not been confirmed, there is debate as to whether or not varicocele should be treated. However, there seems to be a consensus: in the case of clear varicocele associated with spermogram abnormalities, treatment of varicocele is recommended.

This treatment consists of obturating the dilated spermatic vein, usually by embolisation: under local anaesthesia and ultrasound control, a small catheter is inserted into the femoral artery to the dilated spermatic veins. Substances are then injected to permanently block the vein. These may be sclerose-inhibiting agents and/or small metal springs. The operation can be performed on an outpatient basis. Surgical treatment is nowadays much rarer and natural remedies and treatments are still a good option.

Natural Remedies.


Varicocele,Varicose veins of the testicles,Natural remedy varicocele. Learn more about varicocele and the natural methods to get rid of it. Herbal teas 58, 74, 75, 76 are the best herbal remedies to cure varicocele in a short time and become fertile again. Please discover the herbal teas. by following the links


It is recommended to wear firm non-synthetic underwear, avoid heat sources and hot baths.

It is also advisable to take regular cold baths of the testicles, a 5-minute bath, two to three times a day.

- Apply cold water compresses to the testicles for 10 minutes.

-Sleep in a position that allows the testicles to tilt towards the heart, making it easier for blood to flow to the heart.

-You should also remove all hot foods, alcohol, coffee, tea and all exciting drinks, as well as tobacco.

- A diet rich in raw vegetables without tobacco or alcohol is also preferable. Likewise, sexual relations should be moderated for a reasonable period of time, in order to put the veins to minimum use.

Note: Haemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all vein-related diseases and it is all a question of the location of the inflammation.

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Useful plants

- Xylopia aethiopica, terminalia, mango tree bark, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, turmeric, black cumin seeds

NB: The plants heal varicocele without leaving any after-effects. See the composition of herbal teas 58,74,76, 75, etc.

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Varicocele: General Best Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants

Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants

Our Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants to cure any type of varicocele and remains the best natural solution of varicocele by plants. Don't be afraid because  with medicinal plants you are 100% sure to cure varicocele without going through surgery. Teas 58, 74, 75 and 76 are a good healing solution. In the treatment we offer you have all these herbal teas and your cure is certain. Please discover the herbal teas by consulting our shop to heal without sequel varicocele.To heal varicocele I strongly advise you to opt for our herbal teas which remain the best remedies to end the varicocele and fully regain its fertilizing power.


Definition of Varicocele Natural Remedy Varicocele

Best Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants to cure a varicocele but it is important to know what you suffer from when you are told about varicocele. A varicocele occurs when a vein (varicose vein) widens in the spermatic cord, the fibrous cord in the bursae above each testis, connecting each to the scrotum. She  Usually affects only one side, mostly the left because of the anatomy of the male genitals vein system. On the left side, blood from the testis is drained into the renal vein, and on the right, it is drained into the vena cava, where pressure is lower than in the renal vein.


Warning about Varicocele

Do not do the operation because the Natural Treatment of Varicocele by the Plants that we offer works and gives your vein all its tenacity. You do not need to have varicocele surgery because the chance of completely recovering with surgery is low or very low. Many have had surgery before resorting to our herbal teas which remain the best therapies against varicocele. Plant treatment is without equal remedy for varicocele.


Causes of Testicular Varicocele

Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants.The exact pathophysiology of varicocele is not known, except for the poor functioning of the one-way valves that allow blood to flow from the testes to the heart. In varicocele, for as yet unknown reasons, one of the valves does not function properly. Venous blood backs up, accumulates, and dilates the veins in the spermatic cord.


Varicocele frequency Treatment of Varicocele

Natural Treatment of Varicocele by Plants for how many people. How many men suffer from varicocele.  With 15% of the adult male population affected, varicocele is a relatively common condition that can occur at any age.

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Varicocele Complications: How To Treat Varicocele with Plants?

Possible complications

Treatment of Varicocele by Plants is a good option. Varicocele has no consequences on erectile function and sexuality, and in some men it causes no discomfort or complications. However, it can cause pain after the sexual act and above all be responsible for infertility in men.


If it is large, it may make people feel full and may cause pain that may become worse over time. It can also affect testicular development and function with testicular atrophy and, presumably, fertility problems. Evidence suggests an impact of varicocele on fertility: 45% of men with primary infertility have varicocele, 80% with secondary infertility, compared to only 25% in the general population (2). The link between varicocele and infertility  remains complex. However, several hypotheses are put forward: varicose veins could cause, through blood stagnation, a reheating of the testis harmful to spermatogenesis. Poor venous return may also cause toxic substances, such as tobacco, to stagnate in the bloodstream, impacting spermatogenesis. Reflux of adrenal and renal metabolites may also impair sperm production. Some men remain fertile with varicocele.




Treatment of Varicocele by Plants quickly alleviates pain. Most often, varicocele causes no symptoms and no discomfort. Sometimes varicocele manifests as an enlargement of the testis, a feeling of heaviness in the bursa, or even more pain when standing for a long time, during physical exertion or in hot weather. In some men, it can cause  some scrotal pain, tugging, bursal fullness, and occasional or even omnipresent discomfort due to enlargement of the involved testis. Mild pain during exertion, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and especially a problem of primary or secondary male infertility due to destruction of sperm are noted. Thus, a varicocele in both testes can cause azoospermia.


Frequency and person at risk.


Common and benign most of the time, varicocele can affect men of any age. It's a condition  rare in children under 15 but becoming increasingly common  to  From 19 years.Its incidence is higher in men with fertility problems, it could have an impact on fertility. Poorly treating varicocele will later be responsible for problems with  male infertility, which is unfortunately very common nowadays due to prostitution and poorly treated infections. According to WHO statistics, about 40% of male consultants with infertility or hypofertility problems have varicoceles.


Consequences of  varicocele


Varicocele is unilateral or bilateral variceal dilation of veins (varices of veins) in the spermatic cord located in the bursae, above and around each testis. Often, this dilation is the result of malfunction of the valves located in the veins. As a result, blood cannot flow properly (toward the heart) along the veins to larger veins.  That is to say the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. As a result, some blood leaks out and stagnates in the veins, swells them, and this is a dangerous barrier to sperm migration. It is one of the causes of male infertility, especially when varicocele is bilateral.



Diagnosis is clinical: By palpation and visual inspection, urologists look for varicose dilation on the testes. In case of doubt, an ultrasound is carried out in order to confirm the presence of the varicocele and to rule out any other pathology (inguinal hernia, spermatic cord cyst, effusion of fluid in the bursa, tumor of the testis...). The images will show abnormally large veins and blood stagnation.


In a couple who have difficulty having a baby, doctors routinely do a physical examination to check for varicocele when men have an infertility evaluation.

Treatment and prevention

If the varicocele is underdeveloped and causes no discomfort, treatment is withheld.


In cases of impaired fertility, as the relationship between varicocele and hypofertility is not confirmed, there is a debate about whether or not to treat varicocele. However, there seems to be a consensus that if there is a clear varicocele with spermogram abnormalities, treatment of the varicocele is advised.


In this treatment, the dilated spermatic vein is blocked, usually by embolization: under local anesthesia and ultrasonography, a small catheter is passed through the femoral artery into the dilated spermatic veins. Substances are then injected to block the vein permanently. These may be products that block through sclerosis and/or small metal springs. The operation can be done on an outpatient basis. Surgical treatment is now much rarer.Natural remedies and treatments remain a good option.


Natural Remedies.


Varicocele,Varicose veins of the testes,Natural remedy varicocele. Learn more about the varicocele and the natural methods to end it. Teas 58, 74, 75, 76 are the best herbal remedies to cure varicocele in a short time and become fertile again. Please discover the herbal teas. by following the links




It is recommended to wear firm non-synthetic underwear, avoid heat sources, hot baths.


-To also regularly make cold baths of the testicles, bath of 5 minutes, two to three times a day.


- Apply cold water compresses to the testicles for 10 minutes.


-Sleep in a position that makes it easier for the testes to tilt toward the heart and make it easier for blood to flow to the heart.


-You must also remove all hot foods, alcohol, coffee, tea and all exciting drinks, as well as tobacco.


- Privileged also a diet rich in crudity  no tobacco, no alcohol. Likewise, moderation is needed  sexual intercourse for a reasonable period of time, so that the veins are used minimally


NB: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all diseases  related to veins  and it’s all about where the inflammation is located.


Useful plants


- Xylopia aethiopica, terminalia, Mango bark, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, turmeric, nigella seeds


NB: Plants heal varicocele without sequelae. See the composition of herbal teas 58,74,76, 75, etc.

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