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Natural remedy Super balm against rheumatism, sickle cell disease

Super balm

Natural remedy Super balm against rheumatism, sickle cell disease, sinusitis, seasickness, osteoarthritis, gout, arthritis. Super Baume is an ointment rich in essential oil; It fights all kinds of pain, rheumatism, flu, sinusitis, seasickness, etc.

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Plant essences, black seed oil



Active subtances

Calming, anesthetic and retardant tannins.


Ointment in jar

Directions for use

Read the leaflet

Side effects


Duration of treatment

At will

Note: Super balm is the solution to all your muscle, neuralgic, joint pain, etc.

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Ointment in 25ml jar

- Plant essence, essential oil and plant extracts (neem, mint, camphor, cajeput, cloves, ginger, eucalyptus, lemon, securidaca, lantana camara, etc.)

-olive oil, shea butter, petroleum jelly, nigella, etc.

Active subtances

Tannins, heteroside, methyl salicylate, black seed oil, vegetable essences etc.

Price: 10 €

Effects :

Natural remedy Super balm against rheumatism, sickle cell disease. Super balm is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic balm. Super balm has a balanced and beneficial composition of plant essences. Camphor and cloves warm, menthol and cajeput refresh. In addition, the other products calm and relieve all kinds of inflammation. Indeed camphor facilitates the oxygenation of tissues. It stimulates the adrenals and has antiseptic and analgesic qualities that are effective against bumps and bruises. Mint, in addition to its digestive properties, is associated with camphor for its ability to refresh the body. The cajeput is of Chinese origin, it means “white wood” in this Asian language. A gentle essential oil with antiseptic properties is removed. Securidaca has anti-inflammatory properties on the nervous level. Neem oil activates blood circulation and helps reduce painful muscle contractions, especially on smooth muscles. Eucalyptus effectively fights coughs and colds. The super balm is gentle on application, it can be used simply in soft or hard massage and in inhalation. The super balm has been proven to work in RCI, Gabon, Benin and other continents.

Side effects

A few rare cases of irritation have been reported for sensitive skin.


Muscle, joint and neuralgic pain, muscle tension and contractures, migraines and headaches. Insect and mosquito bites, flu, colds, coughs, fever, sprains, athlete's feet, side stitches, sinusitis. Sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism, dizziness, seasickness, toothache, sore throat, tonsillitis, hiccups, abscess. Boils, whitlow, itching, colds, bruises, stiff back, etc.


The super balm is contraindicated for children under 5 years old unless you mix it equally with shea butter. It is also contraindicated in pregnant women because of its essential oil and methyl salicylate content. Do not apply to the eyes, mucous membranes and irritated skin.

Directions for use

-Massage, inhalation, rubbing, etc.

- Read the instructions that accompany the product carefully.

Note: The super balm has been on the market for over 50 years. This balm has been proven in many countries and has not finished working wonders. Everyone must have him at home to act promptly in the face of the daily pains of the family. This is to be foresighted.

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Super balm is a very effective balm against a lot of pain.

It is a natural product that wakes up the tired brain, refreshes the body, calms the nerves,

instantly relieves pain, fights fatigue, fights flu,

inflammations, hemorrhoids itching, sinusitis, toothache

dizziness, seasickness, rheumatism, neuralgia, fever, headache, boils

abscesses, insect bites, burns, sprains, stiffness, whitlow

coughs, sore throats, hiccups, colds, nervous breakdowns, ashme etc.

It is a product that everyone must have at hand because of its

efficiency and its broad scope of action.You will not be disappointed because

Super Baume is the result of long experimental research.

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