a) Understand carbohydrate digestion.
The energy supply to our body comes mainly from carbohydrates and fats. The carbohydrates we eat come in various forms (sugars, fruits, breads, rice, bananas, corn flours, pasta, starches, etc.).Once ingested, carbohydrates are transformed into glucose by the action of digestive juices (saliva, gastric juices, etc.) during digestion. Under the action of insulin secreted by the pancreas, glucose passes into the blood. It is then directly used as fuel by the body or stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. When the meal is delayed or the exercise is prolonged, the same glycogen is converted to glucose and used again as fuel under the action of insulin secreted by the pancreas. Hence the need to eat at regular times without overeating and without nibbling so as not to disturb the system.
b) Understand the causes of diabetes.
Never forget, the disease is almost always a consequence of our way of life in the near or distant past, even very far. This view of the disease must lead us to rethink our way of life in every way. Diabetes is a poor assimilation of sugar by the body due to an organic or food failure: (defective liver and pancreas, or abuse carbohydrates and lipids without exercise). The day diabetes is declared is only the day of the child's birth. The body had been preparing for it for a long time with many alarm bells (sweet urine attracting flies and Anteaters, frequent urination, intense thirst, sensible weight loss, feeling hunger, unexplained fatigue, malaise, blurred vision, etc). But we don't listen to our body that constantly challenges us about our bad life. Our bodies talk to us all the time, but we don't pay attention. We only care about our belly and our external appearance by neglecting our interior. And here it is, one day the disease is delivered. There is even evidence that organ failure in the liver or pancreas is rare. The same causes always have the same effects. Let's never forget that obesity is a contributing factor to diabetes, but anyone can suffer from it. The hereditary factor and eating habits inherited from parents and the community should not be neglected. It should be noted that the main cause of diabetes is lifestyle ( abuse of carbohydrates and fats, excess of table, abuse of sugar, snacking, feeding, lack of physical exercise, stress, etc.).In any case, the abuse of carbohydrates and fats over a long period of time always or almost always ends in diabetes. We always have to balance that, because abuse in everything is harmful. A food as tasty as it is, becomes a poison for the body if it is taken in excess. Let us not forget that never, the middle ground is the first dietary law. You are invited to a table. No one will force you to eat everything, drink everything and mix everything. God created you free. Manage this freedom well. Eat only what you need and without excess to avoid tiring your liver. I'll talk about the wrong food combinations in another section. There are three types of diabetes: type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes or type-1 diabetes mellitus (the insulin secreted is insufficient for digesting the sugar ingested, especially in children), type 2 diabetes or non-insulin dependent (diabetes for obese and overweight people, insulin is well secreted but not really used) and gestational diabetes (short-lived diabetes in pregnant women).
(a) Regime and advice.
The diet of the diabetic must be individualized according to the type of diabetes, the environment of life, the basic diet, the weight, the professional and physical activity, the daily energy needs without neglecting the cardiovascular risk factors and diabetic coma.It is a controlled diet of carbohydrates and lipids because the goal is to normalize the glycemia, cancel the glycosuria, maintain a normal weight and avoid hypoglycemia and hyperglycaemia As a general rule, diabetics should ban fast sugars from their diet and favor slow sugars. He must avoid white sugar, chocolate, pastries, ice cream, jams, biscuits, sugary drinks, fruit juices unless hypoglycaemia. It can take moderately the good honey, dried fruits and nuts once passing at the end of the meal. Acidic fruits should be avoided during meals because of the risk of gastric fermentation. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided. Water (mineral if possible) is the only drink needed and useful at a rate of one and a half liters per day. It may be gaseous or flavored with sweeteners but not sweetened with white sugar.Dairy products and eggs are tolerated. Where possible, replace meat with fish and white rice with country rice. You must give unlimited priority to green vegetables and raw vegetables. Seriously reduce the consumption of fats, especially of animal origin. Replace butter with vegetable margarine. Avoid adding salt to the table. The recommended oils are virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, village red oil, etc. Bread and starch (rice, maize flour, pasta, etc.) must be consumed in controlled quantities at each meal because of their sugar and energy intake. You need to consider your daily energy needs to feed yourself. The center can advise you on an appropriate diet upon your request. But no bigotry, no fanaticism, be flexible in the way you feed yourself. An excess of table once in passing is not yet serious. The danger lies in the repetition of bad deeds. However, you should definitely avoid snacking. Gavage and nibbling are contributing and very aggravating factors. That's the common denominator of the great diabetics. People at risk (obese people, children of diabetic parents, etc.) should eat according to their daily energy needs in order to avoid body fat overloads over a long period of time. The center can help you.
Every day you have to walk about 45 minutes .and especially in the open air evenings, without going to fatigue. There is evidence that walking regulates blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. Let us not forget that walking has a very beneficial effect on blood circulation and the regulation of several hormones. You have to walk, move, tinker with gardens, etc. Create situations yourself so that you don't be static because the body is made to move.
(b)Diet of insulin-dependent diabetes.
It should be as close to feeding as possible normal, regular and especially without nibbling. Eat without excess according to your energy needs. Two or three meals a day are enough and nothing else between meals. Choose whole grains over refined products (country rice, corn flour, potatoes, yam, cassava root, bananas, etc.), meats and lean fish meat and fatty fish. Chew food well because the stomach has no teeth and eat a lot of raw vegetables (onions, garlic, shallots, fresh fruit and vegetables, etc.).
(c) Diabetes fat diet.
The diet should be low in carbohydrates and fat depending on the person and their daily activities. We'll hold 1,5 kg carbohydrate ration per kilogram of ideal patient weight. If the subject is in excess weight with excess fat, we will make sure to bring him back to his normal weight. He must eliminate from his diet fast sugars (white sugar, honey, pastries, jams, chocolates, sweets, dried fruits, syrups, alcohols, tobacco, etc.) and favors slow sugars (country rice, whole grains, potatoes, yams, potatoes, cassava root, bread, bread, fresh seasonal fruit, etc.). Meats and lean fish, eggs, cheeses, yogurts, etc.
Eat plenty of vegetables and eat at regular times and without nibbling. Medical supervision is imperative .Drink from time to time mineral waters (possotomè, fifa, anza, vichy, etc) without neglecting trace elements (zinc, nickel, cobalt, copper, etc) and daily walking.
(e) Remedies for diabetes.
Cure 1: Diabetes.
Dietary supplements to be used regularly: vitamin B6 (cabbage, onion, turnip, pea), Vitamins E and C (lemon, garlic, onion, radish, etc), trace elements zinc-nickel-copper (moringa oleifera powder).
Cure 2: Diabetes
Products: 100 g of cailcédrat bark + 100 g of cashew bark + 50 g of cashew leaves + 2 liter of water.
Preparation: Boil for 5 minutes in a pot. Preferably leave in the pot.
Instructions for use: Drink half a glass in the middle of meals twice a day. Make up the water each time and boil once a day. Continue treatment for as long as possible.
Side effect: bitter taste.
Cure 3: Diabetes
Over 24 days, do a citric cure as follows:
On the first day in the morning, take the juice of a half ripe lemon in a glass of lukewarm sugar-free water.
On the second day in the morning, take the juice of a ripe lemon in a glass of water lukewarm without sugar.
On the third day in the morning, take the juice of a lemon and a half in a glass of water lukewarm without sugar.
So on until the 8th where you will take the juice of 4 ripe lemons in a glass of lukewarm water without sugar.Then, from the 9th day decrease half a lemon per day ( three and a half, three, two and a half, two, one and a half, one and finally a half) to get to the 15th. Resume as on Day 1 from Day 16 to Day 24.
NB: everyone must take this lemon cure regularly, once every three months (once a quarter).
Cure 4: Diabetes.
Take 3 lemons and cut them into 4 pieces + 3 stems with lemongrass leaves, decoction in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes, filter, and drink 1/4 liter, 3X/day for 1 week
Remedy5: Diabetes
Take the unsweetened juice of a ripe lemon in the middle of each meal.
Remedy 6: Diabetes and hypertension.
(a) Diabetes and hypertension.
Products: 100g of sheets and 50 g of bark of western anacardium (ancardier) + 100 g of mango leaves + 25 g of leaves of cassia alata
Preparation: Add 2 liters of water and boil the whole.
Instructions for use: Drink half glass, 2 to 3 times a day.
(b) Diabetes and hypertension.
Products: Madagascar periwinkle.
Preparation: Boil 5 Og of each in 2 liters of water for 5 min.
Instructions for use: Drink half a glass, twice a day.
In the same section we have against diabetes plants like: psidium guajava (guavilla), xylopia æthiopica, khaya senegalensis, acanthospermum hispidum, garlic, argémone mexicana ( dèdio en goun), moringa oleifera ( yovokpatin en goun), momordica charancia ( soclikan en goun), sida cordifolia, azadirachta indica ( neem), guiera senegalensis, combretum micranthum (true kinkéliba), madagascar periwinkle, terminalia avicennioids (alôtoun en goun), cnestis ferruginea (agbo bia houn en goun) etc.
NB: The Africa-herbal powder No. 3 ( chitosan plus) is a very good remedy against diarrhea and vomiting. 40 minutes walk every night.
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