Rough Achyranthe
French name: Achyranthe rugueux
Botanical name: Achyranthes aspera
Family: Amarantaceae
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Active substances: saponosides; alkaloids; Tannins; essential oil, mineral salts including potassium chloride, fatty acids, hormones, etc.
Parts used: Whole plant, leaves, flowers, roots, etc.
Habitat and description:
The achyranthe is a perennial plant, reaching 2 m high, with flexed twigs. The leaves are opposite, oval-lanceolate, acuminate at the top. The flowers, very small, overturned, are grouped in a fairly dense spike. The plant can be found all over Africa.
Vernacular names:
:—Dioula, Bambara, Malinké, Sénoufo, Dogon:
—, Bwa, Bobo-fing, Balante, Badiaranké
—Dioula, Bété, Baoulé, Attié, Agni, Abbey:
—Wolf, Peuhl, , Floup, Foula:
— Minyanka , Mancagne, manding, Mandjaque, Moor:
—Doubt, Niominka, None:
—Bassari, Baynouk, Bayotte:
—Safèn, Sérère, Socé, Sarakolé, Susu:
—All color, Tandaneous:
—Portuguese Creole:
—Goun, Fon:
—Yorouba, Nago:
—Myna, Waci, Adja, Kotafon, Saxwè, :
— Bariba, Ditammari, dendi, Waama, Yom,
- Minene, Fan, Vili, Eshira, Punu, Nzebi;
—Galoa, Sangu, Mitsogho, Kota, Mindumu:
—Nkomi, Orungu, Ngowe
Plants are cardiotonic and abortive, so they are contraindicated in pregnant women. It lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, calms pain, etc.
3-Therapeutic indications
High blood pressure - Hypertension - Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi - Heart disorders - Angina pectoris - Myocardial infarction - Painful periods - Dysmenorrhea
4- uses
—Scorpion sting
After the sting bleeds, apply maceration to the leaves.
—Hypertension, diabetes, bronchitis, intoxication etc.
Drink over several days a decoction of the whole plant.
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