French name: Anserine
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Scientific information: Chenopodium ambrosioides L.
Active substances: Ascaridol
Parts used: Leaves, flowers, whole plants.
Native to America, anserin is a species found in the warm regions of the globe: Brazil, India, the Caribbean, Africa and also in southern Europe. It grows most often around villages in a few African countries where it remains established. Propagation is by seed sowing. It is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant that can reach 30 centimeters by the height of a meter, more or less pubescent, fragrant when crumpled. It has oval lanceolate leaves, roughly toothed. The stem is often reddish. Very small flowers are grouped at the entrance of the leaves and towards the end of the branches. The fruits contain very small brownish, lenticular and shiny seeds. The plant grows in cultivated areas, on sandy or sandy-clay soils and even in fields under a humid and hot climate. It requires a lot of precipitation.
Noms vernaculaires
-Dioula, Bambara, Malinké, Sénoufo, Dogon:
—, Bwa, Bobo-fing, Balante, Badiaranké
—Dioula, Bété, Baoulé, Attié, Agni, Abbey:
—Wolf, Peuhl, Floup, Foula:
— Minyanka , Mancagne, manding, Mandjaque, Moor:
—Doubt, Niominka, None:
—Bassari, Baynouk, Bayotte:
—Safèn, Sérère, Socé, Sarakolé, Susu:
—Colored, Tandaneous:
—Portuguese Creole:
—Goun, Fon: Amatluzu
—Yoruba, Nago:
—Myna, Waci, Adja, Kotafon, Saxwè :
— Bariba, Ditammari, dendi, Waama, Tom,
- Minene, Fan, Vili, Eshira, Punu, Nzebi;
—Galoa, Sangu, Mitsogho, Kota, Mindumu:
— Nkomi, Orungu, Ngowe
3-Indications thérapeutiques
Ascaris, ankylostomes, etc.
4- usages
Infuser 100g of leaves or flowers in ½ liter of water and drink two glasses a day for 3 days.
NB: Prohibit pregnant women and children under three years of age.
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