Varicocele, How to realize it?: signs, treatments
Understanding Varicocele
Varicocele, how do we realize it?: signs, treatments. A varicocele is an abnormal, varicose dilation of the venous plexus draining the testes. Testicular blood vessels originate in the abdomen and run along the spermatic cord. Blood flows upward through the veins via small one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. These valves malfunction or the vein is compressed by a nearby structure, which can cause the veins near the testis to enlarge, leading to the formation of a varicocele or varicose vein on the testes, one of the main causes of male infertility. Varicocele can be treated with surgery or plants. We recommend plants.
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Varicocele image
Varicocele, How to realize it?: signs, treatments.Idiopathic varicocele occurs when the valves of the veins located along the spermatic cord do not function properly. This situation causes blood to leak back into the pampiniform venous plexus, which leads to enlargement of the vein diameter due to excessive pressure. Secondary varicocele results from compression of venous drainage from the testis. It is usually caused by a pelvic or abdominal cancer in people older than 40. Diet, intestinal disorders, high testicular temperature, smoking, and alcoholism may contribute to varicoceles.
Varicocele, How to realize it?: signs, treatments.Varicocele usually produces no signs or symptoms. On rare occasions, it can cause pain of varying intensity—stress that worsens when the person is exercising or standing. This pain usually subsides when people lie on their back. Over time, the varicocele may enlarge and become more visible. In young men, the presence of a varicocele usually impairs sperm production. Varicoceles are most commonly diagnosed in people between the ages of 13 and 30. They affect 15 to 20% of the male population. Most idiopathic varicoceles occur on the left side. Varicoceles isolated from the right testis are rare.
Varicocele, How to realize it?: signs, treatments.On palpation of the scrotum, a twisted and hard mass is felt along the spermatic cord. Varicocele can be reliably diagnosed with ultrasound. Doppler ultrasonography, a technique that measures the rate at which blood is flowing, is a valid way to diagnose a varicocele.
Medical Treatment
Varicocele, how do we realize it?: signs, treatments. Surgery can be used successfully to improve fertility in people with varicoceles. Surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. Three methods are commonly used, namely the inguinal route, the retro-peritoneal route and the sub-inguinal route. The operated region must generally be cooled by sachets of ice in order to limit its threading.
An alternative to surgery is embolization, a minimally invasive treatment that is done by an interventional radiologist. It involves passing a small tube through a peripheral vein into the abdominal veins that drain the testes. With this small, flexible catheter, doctors can block veins to prevent high pressures from the abdomen from being transmitted to the testes. This relatively effective technique helps prevent the testes from being exposed to ionizing radiation.
Natural Treatment
Varicocele, how do we realize it?: signs, treatments. Learn more about the varicocele and the natural methods to end it. Teas 58, 74, 75, 76 are the best herbal remedies to cure varicocele in a short time and become fertile again. Please discover the herbal teas. by following the links
Cinnamon, ginger, pepper, butyrospermum bark paradoxum, pepper, mango bark, desmodium velutium root
Turn everything into powder and take a teaspoonful in a porridge, 3 times a day.
NB: The herbal teas 58,74,75 and 76 remain the healing remedies. They're the best.
It is recommended to wear firm non-synthetic underwear, avoid heat sources, hot baths.
-To also regularly make cold baths of the testicles, bath of 5 minutes, two to three times a day.
- Apply cold water compresses to the testicles for 10 minutes.
-Sleep in a position that makes it easier for the testes to tilt toward the heart and make it easier for blood to flow to the heart.
-You must also remove all hot foods, alcohol, coffee, tea and all exciting drinks, as well as tobacco.
- Privileged also a diet rich in crudity no tobacco, no alcohol. Likewise, moderation is needed sexual intercourse for a reasonable period of time, so that the veins are used minimally
NB: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all diseases related to veins and it’s all about where the inflammation is located.
Useful plants
- Xylopia aethiopica, terminalia, Mango bark, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, turmeric, nigella seeds
NB: Plants heal varicocele without sequelae. See the composition of herbal teas 58,74,76, 75, etc.
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