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Herbal Tea 413: Aspergillosis Natural Aspergillosis Treatment

How to cure aspergillosis naturally. Here is a good Natural Treatment that cures aspergillosis in a natural way with antibiotic plants

How To Cure Aspergillosis Naturally?

Here is the best Natural Aspergillosis Treatment to eliminate Aspergillus from the blood, body fluids and bodily yeast infections. The aspergillosis natural remedy is antifungal and consists of 100% herbs that cure fungal infections

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Research Associated with Aspergillosis

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Aspergillose Traitement Naturel Aspergillose par les Plantes

Le Traitement Naturel Aspergillose soigne toutes les formes d'aspergillose. En plus, le remède reconstitue l'immunité naturelle car riche en éléments immunoreconstituants.La tisane 413 soigne et guérit défintivement l'aspergillose sans.aucun risque de récidive pour ces maladies.. Le traitement naturel aspergillose:est un bon remède contre les infections à Aspergillus.  Ainsi, le remède naturel aspergillose lutte aussi contre les infections pulmonaires , vaginites et les mycoses ont diverses causes (bactérie, champignons, virus, parasites, levures, candida albicans, Gardnerella vaginalis, trichomonas , irritation de la muqueuse,  dérèglement hormonal, etc). 

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Aspergillosis: Definition Causes

What is Aspergillosis?

Aspergillosis is a term for infections caused by fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus, the spores of which are airborne and are inhaled by all individuals. Aspergillus is a fungus that grows on decaying vegetation and dead leaves. The disease is then an infection or an allergic reaction caused by a fungus called "Aspergillus". In addition, this type of infection often occurs in the lungs, and mainly in people with low natural defenses.

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How do you get aspergillosis?

Infection caused by bacteria...

Does that mean that if I am exposed to it, then I will necessarily be exposed to disease?

If you ask yourself this question, know that the answer is no!

Why ?

In reality, almost everyone encounters this fungus on a daily basis but never contracts the disease. Weird ?

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In fact, you're more likely to get infected if you have a weak immune system or have lung disease. Thus, aspergillosis is a combination of exposure to the fungus (Aspergillus) and a weakened immune system.

In addition, be aware that the following elements can carry the fungus:

a compost heap;

stored grain;

marijuana leaves;

decaying vegetation

So if you, for example, work as a warehouse manager or storekeeper in a storage center for agricultural inputs or products, consider boosting your immune system.

So how does aspergillosis manifest? Well, its signs differ from the type of aspergillosis. Types of aspergillosis? In effect! There are different types of aspergillosis.


What are the types of aspergillosis and what are their symptoms?

When you have aspergillosis, the body is affected in different ways, depending on the type of aspergillosis. Also, be aware that certain conditions and medications increase your risk of developing each type.

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

You are more susceptible to this type of aspergillosis if you have lung problems such as cystic fibrosis or asthma. In this case, the fungus causes allergic reactions such as coughing and wheezing.

Additionally, you may also experience shortness of breath and a general feeling of being unwell.

Invasive aspergillosis

You are more likely to get it if your immune system is weakened by chemotherapy and conditions such as leukemia, cancer and AIDS.

However, a weakened immune system makes it more difficult to fight infections. Thus, the open field invasive aspergillosis invades your lung tissues and spreads to your kidneys or brain.

Untreated, it can cause infectious pneumonia, a condition that can be fatal in people with weakened immune systems.

In addition, invasive aspergillosis also often occurs in people who already have other medical conditions. Therefore, it can be difficult to separate its symptoms from those of other conditions. These symptoms include:

a cough, sometimes with blood;


shortness of breath;

pain felt in the chest

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Also, be aware that an infection in the lungs can later spread throughout the body, causing new symptoms.


In fact, if you have tuberculosis or other lung disease, exposure to the fungus can cause you to develop a "fungal growth."

What is fungal growth?

It is a mushroom ball, usually made up of mushrooms, clots, and white blood cells. Although it doesn't usually spread to other areas of your body, it can grow larger and damage your lung tissue, much like a myoma.

With an aspergilloma, you may have a cough, with or without blood, and shortness of breath.

Also, other symptoms of different types of aspergillosis can include:

chest and bone pain;

vision difficulties;

blood in your urine or hematuria;

less urine;

headache ;

chills ;

difficulty in breathing;

skin sores

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How to diagnose it?

If you have difficulty identifying through the symptoms whether you suffer from aspergillosis or not, then you will need to be consulted. You will have to do:

blood tests to check for antibodies, allergens, and fungal molecules;

a chest x-ray;

CT scan of your lungs;

a sputum stain and culture to examine your bronchial mucus

You should also know that for all types of aspergillosis, a lack of response to medication is a critical issue and can be fatal.

The following risks may occur:

airway blockage;

respiratory arrest;

kidney damage;

bleeding in the lungs!

Aspergillosis Prevention: How to Prevent Aspergillosis?

Aspergillus is a fungus that is found almost everywhere. Thus, to fight against an aspergillosis infection, it is necessary:

Avoid activities that are more likely to expose you to Aspergillus species.
. If, on the other hand, you must be in these risky environments, be sure to:

wear pants and long sleeves;
protect nose and mouth with protective masks
wear gloves if handling soil or manure;
have an N95 respirator on you (like the one recommended in covid19); if you are going to be exposed to very dusty areas;
reduce the appearance of mold in your home;
regularly clean the ventilation and air conditioning systems in your home or car
Also, think about boosting your body with natural treatment to boost the immune system.

Natural treatments for aspergillosis with plants


Its root is used to support the immune system and prevent infections; therefore effective against aspergillosis. Additionally, echinacea tincture is used to treat shingles, ulcers, and the flu. You can also use it as a mouthwash.

Garlic Onion

Belonging to the onion family, garlic contains a natural antiseptic, allicin. Plus, it helps support the immune system; therefore effective against aspergillosis. Taken regularly, it can also help prevent coughs and colds. On the other hand, it is effective against sinusitis and intestinal worms.

Its fresh juice is a natural remedy for fungal skin infections. Also, it may be effective in preventing certain types of cancer, including stomach cancer.

Unfortunately, it smells too strong. To remedy this, eating fresh parsley will be very useful.

aloe vera

Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, aloe vera gel is a real ally against the bacteria responsible for aspergillosis. In addition, it is a good mouthwash for sore gums. However, you should know that aloe vera should not be taken internally during pregnancy.

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The tea plant

It is a powerful antiseptic and can be used to clean wounds. Moreover, it also has antiviral, antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. It can be used to treat ringworm and can relieve skin problems such as acne, eczema, dermatitis, not to mention aspergillosis.

Grapefruit seed extract

It is a real natural antibiotic, effective in treating aspergillosis.

How to use it ?

In internal treatment, dilute 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract in a little water, three (03) times a day.

To destroy fungus on your clothes, you can add 10 to 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract to the rinse water.

On the other hand,

Do you suffer from aspergillosis?

And are you looking for the effective natural treatment to cure it completely, permanently and naturally?

An effective natural treatment with grapefruit seeds as one of its many ingredients?

So write or call directly by CLICKING HERE for more assistance and to get the treatment you need!

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