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Herbal tea 423: How to protect your baby against sickle cell disease?

How To Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease Naturally? Here is a natural remedy that can protect your baby against sickle cell disease. Discover the miracle herbal tea that will prevent serious forms of sickle cell disease in your baby, from his mother's womb

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Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease Naturally

How To Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease Naturally?

Here is an effective natural remedy in the fight against sickle cell disease.

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How To Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease Naturally? Here is a natural remedy that can protect your baby against sickle cell disease. Discover the miracle herbal tea that will prevent serious forms of sickle cell disease in your baby, from his mother's womb

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How to Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease Naturally?

Red Blood Cells
The red blood cell is a blood cell that manages the transport of oxygen. It is also called erythrocyte (erythros = red) and red blood cell. It is a biconcave discoid cell lacking a nucleus, mitochondria and ribosomes, and containing a large amount of normal hemoglobin A (HBA) giving it its coloration. They look like small round discs with a smooth, soft shape. Red blood cells bind oxygen to tissues through iron in hemoglobin, their red pigment

What is sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell disease is a genetic disease that affects red blood cells. It is a disease of the black race which is transmitted by at least one of the parents. Indeed, sickle cell disease is caused by a change in the genetic make-up of humans. Additionally, it can affect the whole body and almost every organ. A sickle cell patient can suffer from pain anywhere in the body. It's a difficult pathology to live with.

Why do red blood cells have sickle cell disease?

Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body using hemoglobin. This is because hemoglobin absorbs oxygen in the lungs and releases it to the tissues where it is needed. Healthy red blood cells mainly contain normal healthy hemoglobin (hemoglobin A, HbA); In sickle cell disease, the red blood cells contain abnormally altered hemoglobin S (HbS) instead of normal hemoglobin HbA. This altered blood pigment turns healthy blood cells into spiny, sticky, hard, long cells that look like sickles and give sickle cell disease its name.

Herbal tea to protect the baby from sickle cell disease

Indeed, the baby can be protected from sickle cell disease by plants since conception. Our herbal tea does a good job of protecting the baby from sickle cell disease unless both parents are SS or SC. Hope is real if one of the parents carries hemoglobin A, ie if one is AS. This is a natural sickle cell treatment that works. But, for it to work, it must start before conception and continue treatment after conception.

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Presentation of Remedy 423: How to Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease Naturally?

-Powder in 50g sachet.

Composition of Remedy 423: How to Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease with Plants?

- Antioxidant plant extracts

Active ingredients of Remedy 423: How to protect your baby against sickle cell disease with herbal teas?

-Vasodilator, diuretic and depurative elements

Unit price of Remedy 423: How to Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease?: 50 €

Effects of Remedy 423: How to Protect Your Baby Against Sickle Cell Disease?

Herbal tea 423 is an upstream protection herbal tea against sickle cell disease. It is a serious natural remedy that allows the child to be affected by one of the most serious forms of sickle cell disease. The 423 natural remedy avoids the SS or SC form in the baby. It is an herbal tea that increases the chances of having a healthy baby in the mother

How to Cure Sickle Cell Disease Naturally

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Please contact on my phone / WhatsApp +22954036554 Mme Houessou Arisse

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Please contact on my phone / WhatsApp +22954036554 Mme Houessou Arisse


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