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Herbal Tea N°064 Antibiotex F, Typhoid Fever (natural remedy)

The Natural Typhoid Fever Treatment is a herbal tea. It is the best recipe of the moment to cure Typhoid Fever naturally. The remedy cures typhoid fever and you must combine it with any medical treatment against the disease.La Tisane N°064: Antibiotex F, natural treatment against typhoid fever cures typhoid fever in a short time. Even if you follow a classic antibiotic treatment against fever, you must associate herbal tea N° 64 : Antibiotex F to facilitate the evacuation of half-dead or sleeping microbes. Drainage of toxins is necessary to ensure a complete and definitive cure without any risk of recurrence.

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30,00€ excl. tax - 30,00€ inc. tax

Typhoid Fever Natural Treatment Typhoid Fever

Descriptive Sheet of the Natural Remedy that Cures Typhoid Fever


NB: Herbal Tea No. 064: cures typhoid fever No worries for a permanent cure

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Afrique-tisane N°064: Antibiotex F, Typhoid fever


-Powder in sachet or 50g jar


-Extracts of antiviral, antibiotic, antioxidant, depurative and diuretic plants.

Active substances

-Antiviral, antibacterial, depurative, antioxidant tannins, etc.

Price: €30

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Therapeutic Effect of the Natural Remedy for Typhoid Fever

How to cure typhoid fever naturally? What treatment? Herbal Tea No. 064: Antibiotex F is a gift from God of formidable effectiveness against the Salmonella bacteria of typhoid fever. Herbal Tea No. 064: Antibiotex F by its composition is rich in active ingredients of proven effectiveness against the bacteria of typhoid fever.

Herbal Tea No. 064: Antibiotex F contains antioxidant elements, which protect the liver, while the other elements act on the bacteria, which ensures immediate relief and certain healing in a short time.

The depurative and diuretic elements of Herbal Tea No. 064: Antibiotex F facilitate the evacuation of neutralized bacteria and toxins. If you are suffering from typhoid fever, act fast and place the order immediately. You are satisfied or refunded and you have nothing to lose. Whatever the treatment followed, it is always good to use a depurative herbal tea to rid the body of germs and toxins

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Indications and Instructions for Use of the Remedy Against Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever, liver cirrhosis, etc

 Manual : Boil a tablespoon of the powder in a liter of water, let cool and strain. Keep cool. Drink half a glass, 3 times a day. Add the juice of a ripe lemon to the plug. Three months of treatment renewable four to eight times. Healing assured.

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Natural Treatment for Typhoid Fever or a Recipe to Share

Simple recipe Over 6 months take a decoction of polyltha longifolia leaves (100 g per liter of water).

Drink 3 cups a day

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Click here and discover this recipe Please visit See also Tisane 070: Polycures-Multicures, natural remedy.

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