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Herbal Tea 436: Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia


Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia. The disease Azoospermia impacts on the fertility of men. The sperm is sterile only herbal tea 436 can remedy it.

Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia. The Natural Azoospermia Treatment is an excellent remedy that cures secretory Azoospermia also called non-obstructive azoospermia. Obstructive azoospermia often requires surgery to free the passage of spermatozoa. Herbal Tea 436: Azoospermia, Natural Remedy against Azoospermia treats azoospermia with almost 100% success. The herbal tea effectively treats many cases of malsculin sterility or male infertility of non-organic cause in men. It is one of the best herbal products capable of restoring to any sterile man all of his fertilizing power if the cause is not organic. The herbal tea facilitates in three months the reproduction of spermatozoa in quality and quantity, that is to say strong, powerful, resistant and very mobile spermatozoa. It improves the quantity, quality and viscosity of sperm in a very short time. Excellent herbal tea for male sterility. Please click on Infertility to discover the herbal tea 50 to do everything for Men. Moringa leaf powder will accompany you in your treatment. Before introducing you to our herbal tea 260 which perfectly treats secretory azoospermia, we will tell you about azoospermia in order to help you better understand what you are suffering from. Be patient to discover the natural treatment Azoospermia.

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Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia Definition of Azoospermia Different Types of Azoospermia and Natural Treatment to Treat Secretory Azoospermia Obstructive or Excretory Azoospermia Natural Remedy Azoospermia Diagnosis of Azoospermia and Natural Herbal Tea to Treat Secretory Azoospermia

Definition of Azoospermia

Azoospermia is a condition where sperm are completely absent from the semen. This absence is noted following a spermogram. The first is that the man cannot have a child, because the sperm is completely devoid of sperm. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are diagnosed sterile or infertile, because we have an effective remedy for you. Less than 3% of men in the general population are affected by azoospermia, which represents 10 to 25% of infertile men. Today, there are more and more young infertile women and many infertile couples. The natural treatment of secretory azoospermia with herbal tea 260 is an excellent option to strengthen your fertility. Thank you for contacting us.

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Different Types of Azoospermia and Natural Treatment to Cure Secretory Azoospermia


Depending on the organic or non-organic causes, there are two types of azoospermia: Obstructive azoospermia of the organic type and secretory or non-obstructive azoopermia. Our natural azoospermia treatment works in the latter case and is called herbal tea 436: Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia. Do not be afraid, our natural secretory azoospermia treatment works perfectly. In both cases, please write to us. We are honest people and our yes is a real yes. Herbal tea 436: Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia is available with other herbal teas that will be adapted to your case. Contact us and do not forget to write to us.

A spermogram is required at the beginning of treatment and at the end of treatment to assess the state of affairs.

Natural Treatment To Treat Amenorrhea

Treat Secretory Azoospermia Naturally

As its name suggests, there is a problem with the testicles, which for various reasons no longer produce sperm. Spermatogenesis is zero or almost. This failure may be of origin:

- Hormonal with hypogonadism (absence or abnormality of secretion of sex hormones) which may be congenital (Kallmann-Morsier syndrome for example) or acquired, in particular due to pituitary tumors which alter the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis or after treatment (chemotherapy for example);

-Genetics: Klinefelter syndrome (presence of an extra X chromosome), which affects 1 in 1200 men, abnormality of chromosome structure (microdeletion, i.e. loss of a fragment, particularly of the Y chromosome), translocation (a segment of a chromosome detaches and attaches to another). These chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of 5.8% of male infertility problems;

-Bilateral cryptorchidism: the two testicles have not descended into the scrotum, which alters the spermatogenesis process;

-An infection: prostatitis, orchitis.

Please visit this site to learn more by clicking on Passeport Santé.

NB: A natural treatment for azoospermia remains possible if the cause is not organic. In the case of varicocele, we have an excellent remedy for varicocele.

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Obstructive or excretory azoospermia, Natural Remedy Azoospermia

  • Here, unlike secretory azoospermia, the testicles produce sperm but they cannot be exteriorized due to a blockage of the ducts (epididymis, vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts). The cause can be:

-ongenital: the seminal ducts have been altered since embryogenesis, leading to an absence of the vas deferens. In men with cystic fibrosis, a mutation of the CFTR gene can cause an absence of vas deferens;

-infectious: the ducts have been blocked following an infection (epididymitis, prostatovesiculitis, prostatic utricle).

-A varicocele

Learn more by clicking on Azoospermia

NB: Please contact us if you suffer from varicocele. Varicocele can be cured without surgery.

Symptoms of Azoospermia and Natural Azoospermia Treatment

  • Azoospermia does not affect sexual performance. The erection often remains strong with good punching power, but azoospermia makes the sperm more and more fluid, less viscous, less sticky. However, the main symptom of azoospermia remains infertility in couples. In the absence of sperm, no pregnancy is possible in couples or outside the couple. Please write to us.


The diagnosis of Azoospermia and the natural herbal tea to treat secretory azoospermia

  • The diagnosis is the responsibility of the doctor and we invite you to do all the tests required by your doctor before coming to us for a natural secretory azoospermia treatment for healing. In case of obstructive azoospermia, we ask you to take into account the advice of your doctor. We invite you to discover with patience our natural treatment secretory azoospermia or natural remedies secretory azoospermia.

Please write to us to Treat Azoospermia Naturally or to order the Natural Azoospermia Treatment

Call 0022967546677 to order the Natural Remedy Azoospermia

Technical sheet To Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia

  • Herbal tea 260: Azoospermia, Natural Remedy against Azoospermia treats male sterility (oligospermia, asthenospermia, azoospermia, etc.)

Presentation of the Treatment To Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia

  •  Powder in sachet or in 50g jar.

Composition of the natural treatment secretory azoospermia or natural remedies secretory azoospermia.

  • Organic plant extracts (Adenia lobata, cissus, arachis, elaeis guineensis, lonchocarpus, Maximov, galanga, piper, Maca, voacanga, cissus, flugia virosa, tribulus, etc.).

Active ingredients of the Natural Treatment to Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia

Alkaloids, heterosides, tannins, sterols, plant hormones, polyterpenes, polyphenols, micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins B, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, etc. All these elements give the herbal tea immunostimulant properties of activation, production of spermatozoa and sperm.

Unit price Natural Azoospermia Treatment: 100 euros

The therapeutic effects of the Natural Treatment to Naturally Treat Secretory Azoospermia

Most infertile men do not have erectile problems. They are often active in bed but with sterile sperm without fertilizing power. The role of our herbal tea is to give them back this capacity by a rapid improvement in the health of their reproductive system from the qualitative and quantitative point of view of precious elements such as sperm, spermatozoa, without forgetting the circulation in small vessels, etc.

For more information click here to have the Natural Solution to eliminate amenorrhea

The natural treatment of secretory azoospermia acts in the following cases:
-oligospermia: Insufficient spermatozoa in the sperm. Normally there are at least 20 million spermatozoa per ml of sperm. A number lower than 10 million/ml can be responsible for infertility

-Azoospermia: Total absence of spermatozoa.

-Asthenospermia: Tired, less mobile and inactive spermatozoa. There are normally at least 50% of mobile spermatozoa in the sperm. Below this threshold, we speak of asthenospermia. The fertilizing power is very reduced.

-Necrospermia: more than 50% of the spermatozoa are dead. It is often due to infections. The fertilizing power is almost zero.

-Teratospermia: more than 50% of the spermatozoa are abnormal.

-Failure of stimulation of the testicles.

The Natural Remedy Secretory Azoospermia does not work in the following cases
-Varicocele: the varicocele must be treated first

-Absence of testicle or organic problem.

-Prostate cancer.

- Sterility due to alcoholism or chronic smoking unless the patient changes his lifestyle: Total cessation of alcohol, tobacco and detoxification before treatment.

-Bad lifestyle. The vagabond man, public distributor of sperm without restraint.

-Retrograde ejaculation: sperm is not ejaculated outwards but towards the bladder

-Exposure to excessive amounts of heat

-The presence of anti-sperm antibodies: men can sometimes become immune to their own sperm: in this case, the mobility and fertilizing capacity of sperm is reduced

-Certain liver and kidney diseases

-Repeated exposure to chemical compounds

-Obstruction of the excretory tracts (epididymis, varicocele, vas deferens or ejaculatory) that should allow the sperm to exit despite a normal quality of sperm produced by the testicles

-A genetic anomaly: Klinefelter syndrome, a chromosomal anomaly, which combines testicular atrophy, azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate) and gynecomastia.

Why is Tisane 346: Azoospermia, Natural Remedy against Azoospermia. effective.

---The product has anabolic, antioxidant, exciting, stimulating properties on the erogenous centers and has an activity similar to that of testosterone which influences the sexual sphere. The product contains substances that act not only on the sexual organs, but especially on the brain and blood circulation in small vessels. The product facilitates the abundance of sperm and the production of sperm in sufficient quantity in three months of treatment.

- The powder strengthens vitality, increases physical, sexual and mental endurance, promotes the formation and endurance of spermatozoa, promotes the production of organic fluid, strengthens willpower, determination and self-confidence.

--Apart from the stimulating, energetic, exciting properties of the Natural Azoospermia Treatment, the sterols and phytohormones (plant sex hormones) of the product induce a stimulating and energetic activity that positively influences the hormonal action of the genitals (estrogen, testosterone, etc.). Indeed, the phytohormones it contains act on both the central nervous system and the internal secretion glands with hormonal correlations and thus very effectively combat the drop in libido, impotence of endocrine or psychic origin in emotional subjects. The product also strengthens muscle tone, restores physical strength, cures nervous exhaustion and senile psychoses.

-The micronutrients present in the Natural Azoospermia Treatment (zinc, copper, iodine, magnesium, starch, amino acids, etc.) combat fatigue, frigidity, sexual impotence, revitalize, increase physical energies and sexual energies. You thus have elements that excite you, that stimulate you and others that give you energy and balance your body. These vasodilating and balancing substances (tannins, trace elements, starch, caffeine, theobromine, etc.) stimulate the parasympathetic center of the uro-genital organs which provides the erectile nerves of the penis and clitoris with the stimuli of erection and secretions.


Indications: Male sterility, azoospermia, asthenospermia, etc.

  • Instructions for use

--Boil a tablespoon of the Azoospermia Natural Treatment powder in a liter of water for 5 minutes. Let cool and filter.

Drink half a glass, once a day, for three months.

-In the mornings upon waking and 3 times a week for 3 months, take a teaspoon of the powder in a homogeneous mixture of cold-pressed olive oil and the juice of a ripe lemon,

NB: Allow three months of treatment with 10 sachets

Make the diagnosis correctly before committing to three months of treatment with 10 sachets.

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How to Contact Us Natural Treatment To Naturally Cure Secretory Azoospermia

  • We have representatives often near you to give you the Natural Treatment Azoospermia. Write to us and never worry about your money. In case of doubt we will send you the complete treatment and you will pay after receipt. We have complete confidence in all our patients who write to us for useful information, to buy or to have free recipes. You have on the page at the top, throughout the article and at the bottom, all the common forms of communication. You have our contacts and representations, the e-mail of Professor Zougnon, a direct chat at the bottom and the most used social networks.

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Call 0022967546677 to cure Male Infertility with our Natural Azoospermia Treatment herbal tea

How to buy the Natural Treatment to Naturally Cure Secretory Azoospermia

  • You can place your order for the Natural Azoospermia Remedy directly online and pay by credit card, paypal, bank transfer; western union, money gram, any means of money transfer. If in doubt, write and do not forget to write to us. We have a lot of positive feedback. Many patients have found satisfaction in our remedies. We have a lot of good products and when we say yes, it is because we can. Our remedies work more than 90%. Thank you for trusting us.

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