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Herbal Tea 435: Fight Early Menopause Naturally

Fight Early Menopause Naturally. Discover a herbal tea that helps stimulate the ovaries and regulate the menstrual cycle.

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Fighting Early Menopause Naturally Definition of early menopause The difference between early menopause and premenopause Symptoms of early menopause Causes of early menopause How to know if you are in early menopause? Treating them symptoms of early menopause If women do not want pregnancy.

Related Research To Combat Early Menopause Naturally

Fighting Early Menopause Naturally, Definition of early menopause, The difference between early menopause and premenopause, Symptoms of early menopause, Causes of early menopause, How to know if you are in early menopause?, Treating them symptoms of early menopause,If women do not want pregnancy.

Definition of early menopause

Early menopause, also called premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), is the permanent disappearance of periods before the age of 40.From a hormonal point of view, early menopause is similar to natural menopause. The ovaries produce very little or no estrogen.Ovulation stops completely or almost completely.

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The difference between Early Menopause and Premenopause

Please note, early menopause should not be confused with perimenopause or premenopause, this phase which precedes menopause, a sort of “transition period” which lasts two to four years and during which the first symptoms of menopause may appear.

Symptoms of early menopause

Dr. JoAnn V. Pinkerton explains that some women may not have symptoms if periods become less heavy or irregular, while others develop infertility or symptoms similar to normal menopause.

  • Night sweats;
  • Sleeping problems,
  • Mood swings;
  • Anxiety...
  • Disruption of menstrual cycles (secondary amenorrhea).
  • Hot flashes, insomnia, mood disorders, vaginal dryness, reduced sexual desire, etc.

“Lack of estrogen can cause low bone density (osteoporosis), as well as thinning and dryness of the vaginal lining,” the article adds.

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The causes of early menopause

The causes of early menopause in women can be multiple.

Genetic factors

Researchers have pointed out that premature menopause is linked to genes and is associated with certain diseases or genetic mutations. Women most at risk are those with fragile X syndrome, which affects intellectual abilities and language skills. Women with Turner syndrome are also likely to develop premature menopause between the ages of 30 and 40.

The consequences of autoimmune diseases

Thyroiditis may explain the development of early menopause. The same goes for Addison’s disease, in which the adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones. In both cases, the body turns against itself and attacks the ovarian follicles (cells containing the egg), preventing them from functioning.

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  • Tobacco and endocrine disruptors are harmful

We are all born with a supply of ovarian follicles that are meant to last until the natural age of menopause, around age 50. Regular exposure to toxins like tobacco or pesticides can affect this reserve and speed up the menopause process.

  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Cancer treatments can affect the genetic code of ovarian cells. This does not mean that all women who have undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy will experience menopause earlier. It all depends on the type of medication received, radiation dose, age at the time of treatment, and area of ​​the body. Symptoms of early menopause may appear years later, or not appear at all.


  • Ovarian surgery

Finally, for some women, early menopause can be caused by surgery to remove the ovaries.

Consequences :

Increased risk of osteoporosis, dental problems and ovarian or colon cancer.

TECHNICAL SHEET: Fighting Early Menopause Naturally

  • Presentation of herbal tea 435

-Powder in sachet or 50g pot

  • Composition

-Antiviral, antioxidant, depurative and diuretic plant extracts.

Active ingredients: Combat Early Menopause Naturally

-Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, depurative, antioxidant tannins, etc...


  • Unit price: €30
    For more information click here for the Natural Solution to eliminate amenorrhea
  • Indication: Amenorrhea, Absence of period, Early menopause

Therapeutic effect: Combat Early Menopause Naturally

Herbal Tea 435: Fighting Early Menopause Naturally is not an abortifacient and do not think about using it for abortion at all. This is not his job. The product stimulates the ovaries and regulates the menstrual cycle in the event of sudden cessation of periods before the ideal age. Our herbal tea is an excellent product to bring back periods.

How do you know if you are in early menopause?

Doctors suspect premenopause when a woman younger than 40 has symptoms of menopause, misses or does not have periods, or does not become pregnant. To confirm the diagnosis, tests such as pregnancy tests, doses of estrogen and follicular stimulants, and additional tests such as blood analysis for antimüllerin hormone and bone density may be performed.

Treating Early Menopause Symptoms

“When faced with unpleasant or bothersome symptoms, solutions exist.It is recommended to discuss them with a health professional to choose those which will have the best benefit-risk ratio,” indicates Inserm. In addition, an estrogen deficiency at age 40 puts you at earlier risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, etc. This is why, unless contraindicated, treatment is generally recommended.Various measures, including estrogens can reduce symptoms.


If women don't want a pregnancy

According to MSD Manual, women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) who do not want to conceive should receive contraceptive or hormonal treatment, natural solutions for symptom relief, and potentially dietary supplements to alleviate symptoms.


Corossol Et Grossesse/ Soursop And Pregnancy @afriquesantebioofficiel6418


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